HEY can i join?
The greatest trick the Devil ever pulled was convincing the world he didn't exist. And like that, he's gone.
Age 32, Male
Joined on 11/10/07
HEY can i join?
Yeah, the deadline are the 1st of february. Read the forum post(s) for rules and stuff :)
I used to respond to my comments telepathyically.
(nice comeback btw ;] )
I tried that too, but I think I've lost my telepathically skills :(
Hey however Norway is bigger, Norsk is ranked to be th 111th most spoken language inthe world.
Portuguese is ranked 6th.
Ja, det er ikke mange som snakker norsk.
Ja, det er ikke mange som snakker norsk????
JEG ikke gjør det oppfatte. :(
Ja, jeg vet at du ikke snakker norsk... Skjønner du hva jeg sier/skriver?
haha XD
"JEG ikke det oppfatte"
høres ut som en huleboer :D
Ugh, Ugh
What are you guys saying???
I asked you if you understood what I was saying.. And on the post where you said norway is ranked 111th, I said that there's not many who speaks norwegian. :P
what about krizy?
He just commented your norwegian:P No offence
Explain everything?
"Everything is a noun. An amount or quantity from which nothing is left out or held back: aggregate, all, entirety, gross, sum, total, totality, whole. Informal work (used in plural). Idioms: everything but (or except) the kitchen sink, lock, stock, and barrel, the wholeball of wax (or kit and caboodle or megillah or nine yards or shebang.) See part/whole." (Source: http://www.answers.com/topic/ever ything)
i am not good at flash but i want to join buhu.
i can say that i make stick animation or other...
you dont need to use me.
its to late isent it?
Sorry, the deadline was 5 days ago. Anyway, if you've made something, send it to my mail, and I'll see if I use it.
Hadde du tenkt til å sende inn collaben elle?
sende inn? Jeg skal submitte den når den er ferdig.
ja, sende inn. Jeg er litt utolmodig
"submitte" er norskengelsk.
Hehe, jepp;P
Norway's quite bis isn't it?
Oh wait I have a map in my desk......
Yeah 3.5 times bigger than Portugal.
Quite hard to reply to this comment isn't it?
Just say something smart.
It's big in proportion to the inhabitants.
No, it isn't hard to reply to this comment. I just pressed the "respond" button beneath your post ;)